  • Genre:
  • Production:2929 Productions
  • Released:2018-01-26
  • IMDB:tt4652650
A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in order to boldly go and deliver her 500-page Star Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood. On an adventure full of laughter and tears, Wendy follows the guiding spirit of Mr. Spock on her journey into the unknown.

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Please Stand By was the film I needed after my autism diagnosis  Little White Lies

Please Stand By movie review & film summary (2018)  Roger Ebert

'Please Stand By' Review: Dakota Fanning Stars In Autism-Themed Indie  Variety

'Please Stand By' Director Talks 'Star Trek' Easter Eggs and More  Space.com

Please Stand By Is a Thoughtful But Stiff Look at Autism  Vulture

Review: Boldly Going Toward Independence in ‘Please Stand By’ (Published 2018)  The New York Times

‘Please Stand By’: Film Review  Hollywood Reporter

Finally, a Sensitive Portrayal of Both Autistic Women and Star Trek Fans  Slate

On The Spectrum, With A Spec Script: 'Please Stand By'  NPR

Dakota Fanning Makes the Trek of a Lifetime in ‘Please Stand By’  TIME

Review: ‘Please Stand By’ misses the mark in portrayal of autistic woman  Los Angeles Times

Review: Dakota Fanning Lives Long and Prospers in ‘Please Stand By’  We Live Entertainment

‘Please Stand By’ Sweetly Blends Disability Commentary with ‘Star Trek’ Fandom  PopMatters

You’ll Be Surprised by the Suspenseful Journey of ‘Please Stand By’  Observer

Please Stand By Is About a Star Trek Fan Going to Great Lengths to Share Her Story  Gizmodo

'Please Stand By' Is a Fun Commentary on 'Star Trek'  Space.com

Watch New Star Trek-Themed Clips From ‘Please Stand By’ – Out Now In Theaters And On Demand  TrekMovie

Trekkie Runaway Beams Up to Hollywood in 'Please Stand By' Trailer  Space.com

'Star Trek' Script Contest in 'Please Stand By' Was Invented  Inverse

‘Please Stand By’ Trailer  Hollywood Reporter

Please Stand By – Film Review  The Suburban Times

Dakota Fanning Is Star Trek's Biggest Fan in Please Stand By Trailer  MovieWeb

Dakota Fanning, Helen Hunt on 'Please Stand By'  Screen International

Movie Review: Fanning can’t Fake Anything Fun in “Please Stand By”  Movie Nation

Dakota Fanning’s Character Describes Her Star Trek Script In This EXCLUSIVE Clip From “Please Stand By”  TrekMovie

A Star Trek Fan Takes Her Own Personal Voyage In “Please Stand By”  TrekMovie

In This Installment of Shards from the Fractured Mirror I Cover Maidstone, Memories of Me, The Mighty Kong, Please Stand By and Star 80 — It Turns Out the Naming Rights! Membership Option Was For Real and Someone Is Now Five Hundred Bucks Poorer  Nathan Rabin's Happy Place

Screenwriter Michael Golamco on Please Stand By’s Heroine on the Spectrum  Motion Picture Association

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