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F for Fake: Orson Welles’s Purloined Letter The Criterion Collection
New York Sleaze Heir the Dare Was Once a Portland Indie Heartfelt Portland Mercury
F for Fake movie review & film summary (1973) Roger Ebert
F for Fake (1973) - Movie Review Alternate Ending
‘F for Fake’ (1973) Arkansas Online
F for Fake The New Yorker
F For Fake: Orson Welles picks out the truth Festival de Cannes
F for Fake – review The Guardian
F for Fake : Orson Welles’ Short Film & Trailer That Was Never Released in America Open Culture
In praise of Orson Welles’ F For Fake Little White Lies
Fake It To Make It: Watch How Orson Welles’ F For Fake Rewrote the Rules on Editing Structure (Video) MovieMaker Magazine
Blu-Ray : Highly Recommended High Def Digest
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Does It Matter if a Documentary Is Staged? These Two Films Hold Answers (Published 2020) The New York Times
How Orson Welles’ F for Fake Teaches Us How to Make the Perfect Video Essay Open Culture
DVD of the Week: Orson Welles’s “F for Fake” The New Yorker
Blu-ray Review: Orson Welles’s F for Fake on the Criterion Collection slantmagazine
FULCI FOR FAKE is a Strange, Moving Portrait of a Horror Maestro (Review) Nerdist
Home Entertainment Review: F For Fake
Crank N' Mank Month #2 First and Last: Orson Welles' Citizen Kane (1941) and F for Fake (1975) Nathan Rabin's Happy Place
Summer 2013 | Books - My Lunches with Orson: Conversations Between Henry Jaglom and Orson Welles
Watch: Video Essay Explores Orson Welles’ ‘F For Fake’ & Narrative Structure IndieWire
F for Fake (1973) review Little White Lies
Orson Welles at 100: F for Fake (1973) Criminal Element
F for Fake (1973) Blu-Ray Review The Geek Show
Disc Jockey: Orson Welles’ ‘F for Fake’ has fast cutting for 1973 Metro US
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