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‘Undine’: Film Review Variety
Undine review – romance with just enough magic and mystery The Guardian
Undine Is a Perplexing Take on the Mermaid Myth Vulture
‘Undine’ is a strange, captivating mermaid-meets-man love story Los Angeles Times
‘Undine’: Film Review | Berlin 2020 Hollywood Reporter
Shooting the Underwater Sequences of the Modern Fairy Tale Undine MovieMaker Magazine
Undine: romantic mermaid myth moves to contemporary Berlin South China Morning Post
Lady in the Lake Artforum
Undine is a modern-day fairytale romance, between diver and water nymph British Film Institute
Undine (2020) | Dragged Into the Now: Christian Petzold’s Modern Fable Bright Wall/Dark Room
Love is a Laboratory: Christian Petzold on Undine | Interviews Roger Ebert
'Luca' And 'Undine' Review: 2 Under-The-Sea Films To Treasure NPR
‘Undine’ Review: Catch of the Day The Wall Street Journal
Review: In ‘Undine,’ Paula Beer is a potentially lethal sea creature locked in pure romance SF Chronicle Datebook
Civil War...the movie
Undine Features - Reverse Shot
Want To See Colin Farrell’s Face Again? His Supernatural Romance Just Washed Up on Peacock Collider
Undine review – a shaggy catfish of a story about a woman with a water obsession The Guardian
'Undine' Review: Christian Petzold's Fantastical Spin on His Pet Themes slantmagazine
Review: 'Undine' is surprising and moving, a sneakily sharp melding of realism and fantasy The Movie Cricket
Review: Christian Petzold’s Undine hides layers of meaning under the serene surface of a simple relationship drama The Globe and Mail
REVIEW: “Undine” (2021) Keith & the Movies
REVIEW: Undine Is an Understated and Confusing Modern Fairy Tale CBR
Watery Returns: Myth and Museums in Christian Petzold’s 'Undine' Bright Wall/Dark Room
‘Undine’ makes waves as otherworldly love story Boston Herald
Petzold and Undine The Criterion Collection
Christian Petzold’s Undine The Criterion Collection
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