Crazy, Not Insane

  • Genre:Documentary, Biography, Crime
  • Production:Jigsaw Productions
  • Released:2020-03-18
  • IMDB:tt11668320
Fascinated by the human brain and its capacity for ruthlessness, psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis has spent her life investigating the interior lives of violent people. With each case, she came closer to developing a unified field theory of what makes a killer. Along the way - steering away from the conventional wisdom of her colleagues - she explored the world of multiple personality disorder.

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HBO's 'Crazy, Not Insane' says serial killers are bred, not born. What does that say about us?  NBC News

Crazy, Not Insane movie review (2020)  Roger Ebert

"Crazy, Not Insane" is a flawed, fascinating portrait of criminal psychology  The Spool

'They were not born evil': inside a troubling film on why people kill  The Guardian

The HBO film raises questions about aberrant killers and the legal system.  Psychology Today

‘Crazy, Not Insane’ doc targets origins of cold-blooded serial killers  New York Post

‘Crazy, Not Insane’ probes the minds of serial killers and concludes they’re ‘made, not born’  CNN

‘Crazy, Not Insane’ review: Controversial HBO doc asks if people are born evil  AIPT

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Film Review: ‘Crazy, Not Insane’

Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis Knew A Different Ted Bundy  Esquire

Documentary Review: A psychiatrist plumbs the murderous nuances of “Crazy, Not Insane”  Movie Nation

Alex Gibney Profiles Serial Killer Psychologist Dorothy Lewis in New Doc ‘Crazy, Not Insane’  Rolling Stone

In Focus: In ‘Crazy, Not Insane,’ on HBO, entering the minds of serial killers  The Boston Globe

Serial killers, murderers and the reasons people kill are the focus of HBO’s ‘Crazy, Not Insane’  Los Angeles Daily News

The HBO documentary promotes public misunderstanding of criminality and DID.  Psychology Today

Alex Gibney's new HBO doc showcases the psychiatrist who knows what makes serial killers tick  Fast Company

Crazy, Not Insane  Chicago Reader

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