Angela Curri

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  • Birthday:1993-08-16
  • Place of Birth: Bari, Italy
  • Known for: Acting
  • IMDB: nm4520122
Since a very early age she loved being in front of a screen, in fact she participated to the Zecchino d’Oro competition in 2003 and debuted in the film “Nel mio amore”, by Susanna Tamaro, which was followed by limited series “Edda”, by Giorgio Capitani, and “La terra”, by Sergio Rubini. Se interpreted Saint’Agnes in “Francesco”, and Bea in the series “Braccialetti Rossi 2”. She also acted in the TV series “La mafia uccide solo d’estate”. In 2018 she worked with Cosimo Terlizzi on the film “Dei”, and later with Luca Viotto in “Raffaello: il Principe delle Arti”. In 2019 she had the main role in “Artemisia Gentileschi, Warrior Painter” by Jordan River. Awards: Cinema Donna 2020 (22° Festival Internazionale Inventa un Film), Special Mention at XXIV Terra di Siena International Film Festival 2020

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