Elisabetta Genovese

2 /100
  • Birthday:
  • Place of Birth: Landskrona - Sweden
  • Known for: Acting
  • IMDB:
Elisabetta Genovese is an Italian actress who acted in Pier Paolo Pasolini's Trilogy of Life films .

The number of peers we find downloading the star's works last week.

100 %

Change in the downloading volume from last week.

51842 (-7631)

Rank of total download volume among all stars.

Most Co-Starred

Franco Citti

Cooperated 3 times

Ninetto Davoli

Cooperated 3 times

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Cooperated 2 times

Josephine Chaplin

Cooperated 1 times

Giuseppe Zigaina

Cooperated 1 times

Luigi Seraponte

Cooperated 1 times


TV Shows