Eric Shamm Watson

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  • Birthday:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Known for: Crew
  • IMDB: nm3849403
Eric Shamm Watson as he is known to his friends has had a decent stunt career and has added acting to his list of skills. Bronx native, accomplished martial artist, college grad with degrees in Computer Science and Communication Media, the life experiences that Eric has had is what he relies on when he plays roles such as the non-dorky sarcastic computer hacker, caring mentor / coach, or a teacher that wears his heart on his sleeve. He tends to bring humor to any role he is in without being over the top. Eric has trained with Anthony Meindl, and Craig Wallace. He has also studied improve at the Groundlings where he received great notes about his style of comedy. Eric is best known for his dry humor, slow and calming speech and a variety of facial expressions.

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