Margaret Langrick

3 /100
  • Birthday:1971-05-04
  • Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Known for: Acting
  • IMDB: nm0486661
Margaret Langrick (born 1971) is a Canadian writer and retired actress. She is now known as Maggie Langrick, and is the CEO of the publishing company Wonderwell.

The number of peers we find downloading the star's works last week.

12 %

Change in the downloading volume from last week.

5358 (-368)

Rank of total download volume among all stars.

Most Co-Starred

William Frankfather

Cooperated 1 times

Dana Middleton

Cooperated 1 times

Stan Sturing

Cooperated 1 times

Laurie O'Brien

Cooperated 1 times

Nathaniel Ellis

Cooperated 1 times


Cooperated 1 times


TV Shows