Harry Shearer

15 /100
  • Birthday:1943-12-23
  • Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Known for: Acting
  • IMDB: nm0733427
Harry Julius Shearer is an American actor, comedian, musician, radio host, writer, and producer. Born in Los Angeles, California, Shearer began his career as a child actor. From 1969 to 1976, Shearer was a member of The Credibility Gap, a radio comedy group.

The number of peers we find downloading the star's works last week.

18 %

Change in the downloading volume from last week.

11327 (-1040)

Rank of total download volume among all stars.

Most Co-Starred

Fred Willard

Cooperated 4 times

Michael McKean

Cooperated 4 times

Christopher Guest

Cooperated 3 times

Catherine O'Hara

Cooperated 3 times

Albert Brooks

Cooperated 3 times

O-Lan Jones

Cooperated 2 times




TV Shows